My Story

Grieving is a personal process and is different for every person. There are different types of loss, different grief perspectives and multiple healing modalities. Each having a different effect on the mind, body and spirit.

When my mother lost her battle with pancreatic cancer, I was 31 years old. The perspective of grief I had at that time, was more of a “anticipatory” type grief. My comfort was in knowing she was going to be at peace when she made her final transition to heaven. She would not have to physically suffer anymore. 

Now fast forward 30+ years, with accidental death of my youngest son, Mitch at the age of 27. This event was sudden and not expected. It knocked me down hard. One day my son was with me and the next day he was not.

My husband and I struggled for months trying to accept and process the heavy emotions. My perspective about this type of grief was “blame and shame”. Why him? Why not me? What could I have done? I had so many questions and no answers. Yet, I was not ready to give up on my relationship with my son.

The intensity of this grief was emotionally and physically heavy. It was draining and felt like my heart was physically broken into pieces. But, deep inside of me, I knew something good was going to blossom from his physical passing. Didn’t know what or how this was going to happen because I was still at the beginning of my grief journey. At that point of time, we were just trying to get by one day at a time.

Fast forward another four years, my life has again found peace, with love and joy in my heart. I learned to accept and process the physical and mental grief emotions through a daily practice of meditation, yoga and energy healing. I’ve learned to live in the present, not trying to change the past or worry about the future. My mind, body and heart are in coherence with my soul.

Over the years, I have expanded my knowledge about life after death and truly believe that my son has continued on with his life just in a different form of spiritual energy. Every day I feel his love and receive messages from him. By opening my heart and mind to stillness and calmness with “sitting in the power” meditation, this has allowed me to feel his presence and hear his words. I can truly say, I still have a relationship with my son, just in a different form.

Through the spiritual awakening I encountered, I found hidden inside of me, psychic and mediumship abilities that began to enfold as I pursued my spiritual, psychic and mediumship education and development. I can truly say that the person I am today, is not the same person I was before my youngest son’s physical death.

The healing of the mind, body and spirit educational programs and services that I offer are exactly what helped me through my own personal healing and through my spiritual enfoldment. It would be an honor to help you to take either small steps or big steps into your own personal healing and spiritual enfoldment journey.

From my heart to your heart
Maggie Willes Spaulding
