Imperfect Perfection 4/18/2024

What is perfection?
Tis an illusion
Of someone’s expectations
Tis a set of images
Or perceptions
One believes to be true
And they are not. 

So why does one want to be perfect
Or perform in a perfect manner? 

 For it’s a high anticipation
That’s often set
Out of someone’s reach
And prediction.

Yet we
Strive to be perfect
The perfect house
The perfect job
The perfect body
And perfect life. 

 But these perfections created
Are usually achieved
Outside of ourselves.

One must go
Inside the heart
To see what is makes it tick
Is it fueled
By a lack of worth
Or a scarcity of love
Or money
Or something else. 

For when one
Examines the emotions
And thoughts
That created the images
And feelings
One will be able
To align
Within the heart. 

 Creating a different image
One that’s embraces
All idiosyncrasies
Of past versions. 

Full of flaws
But not perceived as such
Tis the real you
The loving version 
Standing with open arms
Waiting to love you
Like no one else.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding