The Pause 3/13/2024

Being angry and prideful
Derives from fear
And judgments
By not surrendering
To the flow of life
And not pausing
To consider kindness
Before reacting
To any event. 

Choosing to pause
Before you react
Allows focus
On the breath
Giving space for
Love to surface
Without any doubts. 

Choosing to pause
Before you judge
Allows focus
On the breath
Giving space for
Compassion to surface
Without any regrets. 

Choosing to pause
Before angry
Outbursts occur
You don’t need
To be right all the time
And will accept
Other opinions
With love. 

The pause and
The breath
Two simple things
That keep you
And balanced
That’s how love
Continues to
Flows in and out
Of the heart.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding