Endless Cycles 1/9/2024

Living a jaded version of life
Where worries about the future
And regrets about the past
Are common themes
Making in the moment
Difficult to grasp. 

And when tomorrow arrives
The worries never come true
But one continues living
Like they do
This version of life
False and not real. 

This cycle repeats
As fear and worry dominate
Without an end site in mind
Longing for a peaceful moment
Where nothing enters my thoughts. 

Struggling constantly
To change this style
Of thought process
And not sure if that will
Ever be possible. 

Suddenly a gentle warmth
Encompasses me
Hearing within
You are so much more
Than your thoughts. 

But taming them
Helps one learn
To mitigate life
With calmness
And ease. 

Use your breath
To be the focal point
And your heart
To be your guide
And watch how
The future and past
Soften into
The Now.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding