Midsummer's Dream 2/21/2024

You came to me
In a midsummer’s dream
Smiling warmly
While whispering
Sweet nothings
Into my ear
As tiny blessings
For a lovely day
To come. 

My life has evolved
Through many doorways
Achieved many goals
Worked hard with persistence
Always felt though
I had assistance
But didn’t know
Who or what. 

Until a pinnacle point
Of my life
Presented itself
In a tragic form
Breaking me into many pieces
All scattered about. 

Learned to lean on
Compassion and strength
Became a better version of myself
With the comfort and guidance
You willing gave to me
Without any paybacks.

 Didn’t know this was my destiny
Helping others to find
Their own guiding light
With grief standing
Close at hand.

 Learned to smile
With sadness
And laugh with grief
Until peace and love
Came forth
As a result of
This friendship. 

Living with gratitude now
For all that has transpired
Loving you forever
Until my last human breath.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding