Well Of Love 2/17/2024

The well of love runs deep
If one continues to replenish it
With kindness and compassion
For oneself and others
Tis not an easy task
To accomplish though.

Recognize your worthiness
Is just as important
As another’s
Allowing your well of love
To be replenished
From the gratitude you feel
While helping another
In a humble way.

Sometimes just holding space
In a silent manner
Is all that is needed
To comfort another in a
Difficult situation.

Tis a mighty task
To not say anything
When the ego self needs
To be right.

Take the high road often
When relationships struggle
Tis a manner of personal growth
When understanding
Another’s perspective
And learn to accept them
With love
Just as they are.

Maggie Spaulding
Poem Author

Maggie Spaulding